Friday, September 20, 2024

What's wrong with Aussie Rules?

Mr Mars is on his soapbox again.
This time he's ranting about all the problems with the AFL.

Check It Out.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

When I Am 40

Another new poem folks.
This one deals with a lonely feminist in her mid 30s.

Check It Out.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Savannah The Brown

Another new poem folks.
This one deals with millenial, post-modern poet: Savannah Brown.

Check It Out.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Lament For The Dead

The Church of Infinite Dimensions has some new content.
I have finally got around to tweaking the lyrics to the hymn: "Lament For The Dead" and writing out a proper piano accompaniment.
This is a critical component of the Church's canon as it is sung at EVERY funeral and all parishiners should be familiar with it.
I have also added a better quality synthesizer mp3 of the thing so that you can sing along with it.

Check It Out.


Monday, May 6, 2024

A Digital Bard's Tale

Another new poem folks.
This one tells the story of an AI that can write poetry and music and also paint! Ironically the poem was entirely written by an AI and it comes with music and pictures. I strongly recommend clicking on the music video which ought to blow your mind, (if your mind is still capable of being amazed...)

Check It Out.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Mr Mars' Magic Canon

The Martian Blog has a new entry. This one deals with my creation of a 32 bar strict, retrograde, mirror canon in 4 voices. 4 voices from 1! Am I the first person to do this?

Check It Out.


Friday, January 13, 2023


The Church of Infinite Dimensions has a new hymn.
This one deals with Springtime and is built on the famoius tune "Crimond" which I have expanded...

Check It Out.
